More power to the pussy, more pussy to the power

For the last 5000 years patriarchy, and its toxic masculinity, has ruled our world. We suffer from an imbalance between the feminine and the masculine, and as the male dominated society rules, the suppression of the feminine takes place. As we observe the history, we observe the harmful, and too often brutal treatment of women, and everyday sexism in cultures all over the world. We observe global regimes of politics, religion and culture that embody patriarchy, and we see the consequences unfolding in a world that has forgotten about compassion, kindness and empathy. The patriarchy is a man-made system based on fear, dominance, power and control, seeking to diminish and suppress the feminine yin and only worship the masculine yang.

It’s important that we remember that the distinctions of masculine and feminine are not exclusively about men and women, they are energies possessed by all of us. Regardless of gender, you possess both feminine and masculine energy, the problem is when one of them becomes dominant, and that’s what has happened in both men and women of today. It is truly about being masculine and feminine at the same time, to find, and create balance between the two oppisite polarities. The absence of the feminine is the absence of pleasure. It’s the absence of listening to our desires, dreams, feelings and our connection to love and wisdom. The feminine is the feeling part of a human, our deepest intuition, our creativity, our longing for sustainability, our sense of community, connection and compassion. But we have been taught and learned masculine qualities only, forgetting about the aspects of the feminine. We have learned to value the (toxic) masculine. To man up. Win at all costs. Hide our feelings. Never cry. Be logical and practical. Accomplish. Go at it alone. The lack of the feminine qualities shows up in everything that is wrong with the world - powerful men that is so disconnected from their empathy and compassion, ruling the world into chaos. However, this doesn’t mean that we don’t need masculinity and its traits. We need masculinity as well as femininity, these two qualities are supposed to coexist in harmony. Masculine energy without any female energy isn’t complete as it doesnt feel nutrtured, sacred, appreciated or valued. Same goes for female. Female energy without masculine isn’t whole either. It doesn’t feel complete, focused, stable or grounded. It is scattered. There is no sense of drive, motivation or success. When the two together, are in balance, trancendence occurs. The code is complete, unlocking you to other dimensional realities.

When referring to the patriarchy, I’m by no means hating on men and masculinity. Masculinity itself is healthy and integrated, it’s when masculinity becomes toxic and dominant, on a personal and collective level, that it becomes problematic. It has not only been women that have suffered due to the patriarchy, men have also, big time. To the benefit of both men and women; it’s time to shift back, back to balance. More power to the pussy, more pussy to the power.