Do you like the smell of the wrong guys? When coming off hormonal birth control, some women experience going from being 110% into their partner, to not wanting anything to do with them, almost overnight- although their partner didn’t even change. Why could this be?

Your genetic markers can be found in your skin, and depening on your unique genes, you radiate a specific smell. Hormonal birth control are shown to disrupt this smell, as it disrupts your pheromones. Pheromones create our own personal perfume and we use this scent to match up with a mate that’s genetically suitable. Ideally we would be choosing a partner based on genetic diversity, meaning a man with genes different from our own. This is the natural instinct. Doing this are linked to lesser likelihood of chromosome abnormalities, miscarriage and unhealthy babies.


We are supposed to be attracted to men who are genetically dissimilar to ourselves, and as a ‘consequence’ increasing the chance of having a healthy baby. However, if you’re on hormonal birth control, you may not seek out this ideal man, instead you seek out men who “smell” like you, which make you more likely to choose a partner that is more similar to you, genetically. This is not how nature indented it to be.

Does this seem far out? Know that mother nature has always had a plan. She knows what she’s doing. Just look at nature and how it unfolds. Mother nature is clever, clever beyond humans. She has done this circle of life since long before we even existed, so try not to mess with her (or your hormones).