Over 80% of women are not satisfied with their bodies and many struggle their whole lives to change the way they look. To be thinner. Women are trying to look like the girl in the magazine, but not even the girl in the magazine looks like the girl in the magazine! She’s edited and fixed, (and starved) so in reality we try to look like someone who doesn’t even exist. It’s such a shame because all this time that you are obsessing over your body for not being good enough, you could actually have loved yourself and felt like the sensual goddess that you truly are. For every day you hate yourself you miss out on the magic of loving yourself. 

I’ve never been super skinny, nor do I want to be, because it doesn’t make sense for my body shape. I’m strong. Healthy. Fit. And I have a good amount of fat on my thighs and butt, but that’s okay. I haven’t always loved it, but I’m learning to. Because that’s who I am. And I will rather work on accepting and loving myself, instead of trying to change myself, because if I do love myself those «extra» kilos won’t matter anyway. When we embody the feminine within ourselves and practice self love we start viewing ourselves differently, and we find out that we have actually been perfect, all along. 

Being skinny is not necessarily healthy anyway. Lots and lots of women have broken metabolizms, infertility issues and other problems because they’re too skinny. So we’re actually working towards something that isn’t healthy and sustainable in the first place. Yes, some women are naturally thin and super healthy, but so many of us aren’t. This is not to say that we’re fat, not even close, we’re just women. Real women with curves, hips and thighs. It’s crazy how many years of our lives, as women, we spend working towards being thin. What if we could rather use all that time on loving ourselves? On trying to be comfortable in our own skin instead of trying to be something we are not? 

So eat good food that nourishes your body, choose movement that you like rather than forcing yourself to do heavy shit you hate, practice self-love and get naked and gaze at yourself in the mirror so that you can see how beautiful you really are.