My hair has never been as thick and healthy as after I started using natural and organic hair-care products. A big part of this was switching from a conventional hair mask to the most cost effective, natural and environment friendly one; coconut oil! It's the simplest thing and better than any other hair mask I have ever tried. It's all natural and it leaves you with incredibly soft and healthy looking hair. I try to use it once a week, and when I do, I leave it in for about 24 hours, or at least overnight. 


  • Moisturizes your hair and scalp
  • Is anti-fungal and anti-bacterial
  • Can help remove dandruff
  • Penetrates the hair shaft
  • Prevents hair loss
  • Promotes hair growth
  • Combat frizz
  • Contains vitamin E and lauric acid, both are essential for strong, healthy hair 
  • Gives your hair a healthy shine

How to 

Put organic unrefined coconut oil in your hands and run it through your hair, starting at the scalp and working it through the ends. Spend a few minutes running the oil through your hair to make sure everything is covered with oil. After it's evenly spread, twist your hair into a high knot on the top of your head or braid it. It will feel a bit greasy once it's in your hair, like you can see on the picture, but trust the process. Your hair will feel so nice once you have let the oil do its job. Leave it in for as long as possible. 12-24 hours. 

For an added boost, you can add essential oils like lavender or rosemary to your coconut oil hair mask. Lavender can help stimulate hair growth and rosemary can help with dandruff and hair loss.

Be aware that you have to scrub your scalp thoroughly with shampoo to wash the coconut oil out. Massage the shampoo into your head for a good 2-3 minutes. Rinse and repeat one or two more times. If you don't do this step right, you will find remaining coconut oil in your hair once it's dried. Note that coconut oil solidifies in cooler climates. To warm it up just leave it in a bowl of warm water for 10 minutes or put the solid oil directly on top of your head and warm it with your hands as you spread it out through your hair. 
