Are you aware of your trauma?

Unfortunately, most people don’t even know that they’re trauamtized, which is why I am in awe of those that are aware of their trauma, and that are consciously working on solving and healing it. We live in a traumatized and traumatizing society, and everyone has their individual baggage, however most people aren’t aware of this reality or the programmed patterns, trauma responses and survival and coping mechanisms that runs their life. I highly respect and admire those who are brave enough to honeslty look at themselves, and work on themselves, so that they heal. Too many people bleed on people that didn’t cut them because they are unware of, or deny, their own traumatizing. An important note is also that those who think that they don’t have anything to dig into, are usually the ones who need it the most.

Actively working on becoming conscious of the subconscious, is an essential part of our healing, both collectively and individually. Becoming aware of our own wounding is a difficult journey, but the wounding is there, somewhere, beneath the layers of who you think you are, and you’d be suprised when you wake up to all the ways it influence and controls your life, without you even knowing it was there to begin with. It could be burried so deep in your unconscious after being repressed for an entire life, or even for generations, (generational trauma). The more states of consciousness we explore, the more of the shadow self comes up. Explore your shadow self!
