
Keyword: I balance
Element: Air
Duality: Masculine
Quality: Cardinal
Ruling Planet: Venus
Ruling House: Seventh
Dates: September 23 - October 22

Smart, kind and rational, libras value harmony in all forms. They are easy going, and the masters of compromise and diplomacy, seeing all points of view. This sign has a rich inner life yet loves other people, and they're usually the happiest with a large group of friends and family surrounding them.

Libra is, together with taurus, ruled by venus, the planet of love, relationships and beauty. They admire loveliness in all its forms, in music, art, decoration and people. Libra adores a life that looks good; flowers, champagne, jewellery, clothes, beautiful objects and surroundings. Although a libra can sometimes be overly concerned (and self-conscious) about their own appearance and looks, they do possess a great taste. Libras are easy to like and often has a special charm to their being. In addition, they have a gift of making others feel important, as they are good listeners. They smooth ruffled feathers and bring out smiles wherever they go.

Libra is the sign of partnership and marriage. They are happiest functioning within a union, and often lose their equilibrium and positive outlook when forced to be alone. Aries, libra’s opposite sign, is the sign of ego-personality and self. Whereas aries people tend to be selfish and put themselves first, libra does the opposite.

Although libra appears self-confident to outsiders, they might struggle with insecurity, especially as it relates to personal identity. In fact, one of libra’s best hidden secrets is how shaky their self-confidence is. This sign's lifelong question is: "Who am I?" They may find their identity shifting based on where they are in their lives and who they're with. Far too often they are not even sure what their true feelings are. This trait is the reason why libra’s are often times called indecisive. They may struggle to make decisions, as they don’t always know what they want. It might be more useful to spend time building up their own self-esteem though, rather than looking to others to give it to them. Libra’s desperately long for love and approval, but in order to feel more confident and whole in their identity and self, they need to get comfortable spending time with themselves and getting to know their gut and their internal voice. Learning how to approve of themselves first.

Despite having a brilliant mind, typical for all three air signs (gemini, libra, aquarius) libra’s can become an underachiever because of their easygoing attitude. For the most part though, they don’t want anything badly enough to fight for it. Essentially, people born under this sign dislike hard work, unless someone else is doing it. Their strength is nonetheless their intellectual mind, and they can be amazing at making big plans and coming up with new ideas, although following through can be tricky. Libra love new projects, unusual people, different ideas and they’ll travel everywhere. Gifted with imagination, flair and enthusiasm, they have an open, independent mind. They are affectionate, warmhearted, sentimental, naturally optimistic and fiercely attracted to intelligence, which is just as important as appearance when it comes to the partners they end up falling for. 

However, an unevolved libra tend to be self-absorbed, self-centered and superficial, judging people based of off their looks and appearance. Being extremely self-conscious and insecure is usually the reasons behind this. An evolved libra is a great team player which doesn’t give in to their judgements and insecurities. They are accepting and including beings, who acts and behaves to the benefit of the union.

"Let's just all get along." Born under the sign if the scales, libra strive for balance and harmony. Libra’s are predisposed to be aware of when there is disharmony or imbalance in the world, or in their environment. Peace is worth any price to them, and usually libra tend to get out of their way to avoid friction, stress and disharmony. An unevolved libra is extremely afraid of confrontation. However, for a libra to be able to create justice, harmony, equality and balance in their life, relationships and environment (like they are here to do) they must FIRST become comfortable with conflict, because both goes together, and one of them can’t exist without the other. The truth is, when we are trying to avoid conflict, we are actually only making the fire worse. Avoiding conflict creates conflict. The lifelong lesson of a libra is becoming comfortable with disharmony first, because that’s the true path to harmony. Understanding and being able to handle both polarities, both sides. Libra’s are here to learn about balance, and they need to learn that through many extremes and imbalances, so they usually come into this lifetime experiencing a lot of imbalance. Stop running from conflict and own up to your soul purpose, libra!

To look to opposites in the birth chart is super helpful, for revealing blind spots or pathways to grow. To become more comfortable with conflict and confrontation as a libra, look to the other side of the axis, to the opposite sign; aries, and let the qualities and influence of this sign show you how it’s done. (And while aries teaches you how to not people please, avoid or run away, you can teach aries how to be better at seeing the other side of the coin)


Keyword: I desire
Element: Water
Duality: Feminine
Quality: Fixed
Ruling Planet: Pluto, Mars
Ruling House: Eighth
Dates: October 23 - November 21

Scorpio is the sign of extremes and are often described as powerful, weak, independent, clinging, passionate and cold. Clearly, they are a bundle of contradictions encompassing the best and worst in human nature. The key to their personality is intensity, with their strength hidden in their depths. Scorpio is the ‘deepest’ of the three water signs (cancer, scorpio, pisces) and consists of a bottomless ocean filled with emotions, magic, lust, desire, jealousy, grudges, revenge, secrets, turbulence, sensitivity, death and transformation. Scorpio’s are beautiful, magnetic, intense, mysterious people, with a great desire for intimacy (and sex), and their energy are made to cut straight through to the core of things.

Scorpio may seem unapproachable, secretive, intimidating and somewhat closed off to those who don't know them well. What people don't realize is that even though scorpio may seem cold, (especially to be a water sign, in which are usually softer) they also are very vulnerable, and sometimes may find themselves caught up in their feelings. Because of this inner conflict, scorpio, like their namesake, the scorpion, put up an outer shell and may seem closed off. But once people get beyond the shell, they find a loyal, loving person whose passion knows no bounds. However, if people feel intimidated by their presence and intensity, that has nothing to do with them, and shouldn’t be taken personally. Nor should it stop a scorpio from being in their truth and power. If people get intimidated by their power, it’s because they are not in their power. A scorpio is, like the other water signs, especially inclined to discover their own depths, and it’s a natural reaction for those who struggle going deep within themselves, to be intimidated by a scorpio which is likely to be deep, raw and truthful. Remember: people can only meet others, as deeply as they have met themselves.

Scorpio are unafraid to blaze their own trail, no matter what others think, and they make a statement wherever they go. They like controversy, aren't afraid of arguments, and won't back down from a debate. They also hate people who aren't genuine, and are all about being authentic, even if authentic isn't pretty. Their psyche is a labyrinth of wheels within wheels, boxes within boxes. The complexity of their mind makes it difficult for them to skim the surface, they must uncover what lies beneath. Even when they seem to be at ease, calm and relaxed, they’ve got a well of intense emotions underneath; always evaluating, figuring out the next move, working out a strategy. They possess incredible brilliance, and usually have an hidden agenda. Much of this has to do with control, which they are all about. Nothing is worse than feel swept away by outside forces. When they control, they are safe. At least they feel safe. An evolved scorpio through its evolution makes the journey towards controlling in positive ways, meaning that they are being of service to their world by bringing their strong sense of control of power to the advantage of others, whereas the unevolved scoprio tries to control other people and manipulate situations for its own sake and greed.

Scorpio have a tendency to become imprisoned in their own mind, and at times even destructive. More than any other sign, scorpio live at a high pitch of emotions. Its negative aspects are worry, over-analyzing, jealousy and resentment. The positive aspects are their dedication, devotion, imagination and persistency. The scorpio energy, drive and endurance are legend. Above all, scorpio seek to give their life a meaningful pattern and to find a deeper purpose.

Due to scorpio’s depth, they have a natural pull towards religion, spirituality, esoteric teachings, self-development and anything transformational. The occult, death and life’s secrets fascinates them, and their sixth sense enables them to intuitively know things before they happen. All the water signs tend to be psychic, but a scorpio dive into the powers, especially the powers of the mind, that others are afraid of. The scorpion represents birth, sex, death and regeneration, areas of human existence in which a person confront the mysteries of the universe.

The finest attributes of a scorpio, and their worst, are revealed in relationships. They are deeply loyal but are also intensely jealous and possessive. With a scorpio, there is usually all or nothing. Moderation, balance and being casual is not part of the scorpio deal. The connection will be intense, in both highs and lows. So many other signs spend time and energy going around the bush, desperately trying to avoid creating waves when it comes to confronting a conflict, but not scorpio. Blessed with a deep sense of self, scorpio is always able to say exactly what's on their mind, even if it's not what people want to hear. Scorpio is forthright and honest, and those two characteristics commands a ton of respect, both at home and at work.

One of scorpio’s many polarities is that they never forget an act of kindness, as well as never forgiving and forgetting an injury. They can hold a grudge for a lifetime, and doesn’t easily let things go. Revenge plays heavy, making them a dangerous enemy. Don’t get bit by a scorpion! Despite the obsessiveness and dominance, a scorpio can possess, it’s important to emphasize how loving, generous, kind, loyal and even gentle a scorpio can be.

With the depths of a scorpio, intense emotions and feelings comes too. Remember that it's all right to cry. Scorpio tries so hard to seem tough, that they sometimes cut off their vulnerable side entirely, seeming insensitive, uncaring and cold, to outsiders. While expressing emotion is scary, learning how to do it, is key for scorpio, since presenting an "I don't care" attitude, don’t last too long before the well of emotions they have inside, explode in their face. Or in someone else’s face. For a scorpio, learning how to  communicate their feelings is important. Not suppressing their anger, but expressing it in a healthy way, is too.

Taurus and scorpio are known as a polarity as they are opposite zodiac signs. Opposite signs, or sister signs, might seem totally different, because on a superficial level they are, but at their center, polar signs have the same core. They share similar qualities and equally balance each other. Taurus and scorpio are both yin and fixed. Both has to do with creativity, security, control (of personal or shared wealth). One way to describe the purpose of this axis, is to go within (feminine) with determination and persistence (fixed), as deeply as one can go. Both taurus and scorpio, is to meet all aspects of oneself completely and compassionately. A mutual shadow of taurus and scorpio (and therefore all of us, since the twelve signs are within us all) is the desire to run away from our deepest emotions by seeking to control things external to us, or to distract ourselves. As a scorpio, look to your sister sign for cues, balance and completion.


Keyword: I see
Element: Fire
Duality: Masculine
Quality: Mutable
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Ruling House: Ninth
Dates: November 22 - December 21

Independent and strong-willed, sagittarius personalities are all about going off the beaten path. They are often perceived as lucky, partly because of the influence of jupiter, the planet of fortune, abundance and expansion. Sagittarius knows what they want and just goes for it, regardless of what other people think. These individuals aren’t afraid to step away from the pack and are born adventurers, which loves solo travel and exploration.

Ruled by jupiter, the philosophical planet of our solar system, sagittarius loves exploring the inner workings of their minds, and love stretching their horizons. They are truth seekers, vision questioners and here to be pushing themselves beyond the familiar and beyond their comfort zone which is also why traveling to far away corners of the earth, into unfamiliar landscapes, cultures and belief systems is often times an important part of their journey. Independence is their guiding principle and they are progressive and restless in spirit. With a longing for freedom and constant change of scene. Freedom is their most valuable possession, and in many ways, they rebel against being a grownup. Hilarious, spontaneous and always down to something fun, sagittarius’ are usually surrounded by a lot of friends and admirers. Sagittarius is a mutable sign, meaning it is associated with adaptability and flexibility.

In the zodiac, sagittarius symbolizes the search for wisdom. Essentially, what sagittarius is wanting to find is the universal truth. They are known for searching for the truth of life. Their shadow side though, is that they can become overly caught up with their own truth. It’s important to remember that everyone has a different version of their truth and all of us experience reality in a different way. They need to be careful about becoming overly dogmatic and so sure of themselves, cutting of the truth of others. A sagittarius is here to be outspoken in their truth, it’s just important to also be humble, open and not only focus on what’s real to them. The opposite sign of sagittarius is gemini, and the beauty of gemini is their inclination and willingness to ask questions rather than getting caught up with their own ideas. A gemini can teach you how to keep an open mind and be intrigued by new thoughts and perspectives.

Sagittarius and gemini both represent ways of understanding the world. They both want to know. Gemini analyzes and searches for systems while sagittarius finds the connections between elements. The gemini knows knowledge, while the sagittarius knows wisdom. Gemini is the teacher whereas sagittarius is the professor. Gemini is alert to the near happenings, taking mental notes at all times. Sagittarius scans for the big picture. One way to look at this polarity is while gemini is preoccupied with the currents of the moment, which makes them a bright observer of events as they're happening, sagittarius on the other hand seeks to imagine on a broad canvas, and is more able to focus and see universal themes. It's a trap though, to see sagittarius as the more advanced of the two. Both have strengths that the other benefits from.

Sagittarius is straightforward, honest and direct, which makes them easy to deal with. What they say is what they mean. You can trust a sagittarius to tell you what they really think. Because of this, they may hurt others’ feelings, or may be called out for not having empathy. The latter is not true. However, an unevolved sagittarius can sometimes be way too blunt, and put their own needs above others. Their emotions can also be shallow and their commitments almost nonexistent, and to some people they may seem fickle, undependable, irresponsible and a bit too detached emotionally. Sagittarians are hard to pin down emotionally as they don’t want to participate in anything that ties them down. They’ve got places to go and they’re not about to sign up for anything that keeps them in one spot. Sagittarians rarely talk about their feelings; they talk about what they think about their feelings (usually without even knowing). Partners may ask for more passion and feeling, which can be a hard request for a sag to meet. Sagittarius have a tendency to be emotionally unavailable, and their emotional intelligence are something that should be worked on, always. However, sagittarius make the nicest friends. Kind, jovial, generous and funny.


Keyword: I use
Element: Earth
Duality: Feminine
Quality: Cardinal
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Ruling House: Tenth
Dates: December 22 - January 19

Capricorns are ambitious, patient and hard-working with a mind toward the long term. Their motivating force is a desire for success, money, status, position and authority. Capricorns are the hardest working sign of the entire zodiac and fully in control, at all times. Capricorn is both an earth sign and a cardinal sign, and the combination of practicality (earth) and initiative (cardinal) produces a personality geared towards leadership and power. A Capricorn will always get what they set their mind to, no excuses. Capricorns may get a reputation as stubborn, but they simply know what they want, and also know how they wish other people would behave. Capricorn is intelligent, detail-oriented, and will not take no for an answer when they want something. Their hard-working attitude is an inspiration to all, and they truly believe they can achieve anything with hard work. Capricorn is always ready to learn new skills, and sees something they don’t know as a challenge they must undertake. However, capricorns can be incredibly hard on themselves, and just as hard on other people. They can be overly judgmental and hold grudges as well as hold other people in their lives to impossible standards. Capricorns sometimes see one narrow way of doing something, and working on broadening their horizons and perspective, and not be so stagnant in ‘their ways’, can be incredibly helpful, and usually necessary.

Ruled by saturn, the planet of karma, conformity, restriction father/authority figures, and the tenth house (the house of career) capricorns are especially responsible, disciplined, strict, practical, determined and precise with an immense ability to concentrate with a talent for organization. If you need a rational head in a crisis, call a capricorn! In the sign of capricorn the quality of patience reaches new heights, and they are willing to give up today’s temptation for tomorrow’s reward.

Saturn is in many ways the strict parent that lives inside each capricorn and who makes them way too hard on themselves (and others). The life lesson for a capricorn is in many ways to let go of the need to be their own parent who disciplines and keeps themselves suffer from unreasonable standards and expectations. Don’t be so hard on yourself! A capricorn is sometimes overly focused on what things look like, instead of how things feel, which could cause them to feel stifled and unhappy. They need to recognize that racking up achievements is only one small part of their personality.

 A capricorn will dive into a relationship like a job, and believes that hard work can help make a bond as strong as possible. While sometimes a romantic conversation may feel a bit like a board meeting (especially with their action items and improvement plans) if you roll with it, they have a point: your bond will be stronger. Conservative at heart, capricorns love family, and value traditions.

Whereas the sign after capricorn, aquarius, simply can’t (or won’t) follow any rules and tend to break them, capricorns are natural rule-followers. Capricorn get nervous by the “rules are made to be broken” attitude of an aquarius, as they thrive on order, hierarchies and set ways to do things. Can a capricorn think outside the box? Yes, they can, but they prefer when they have strict boundaries. It makes them feel safe. Capricorns are great at climbing the corporate ladder, and especially adept at making (and investing) money.

Capricorns opposite sign is cancer, and while cancer seeks emotional security, capricorn seeks the security promised by order. A capricorns major concern is actually security. Capricorn is the sign governing reputation, career and standing out in the community. These people seek honor, praise and approval in the world at large, but tend to be emotionally reserved in personal relationships. Cancer, on the other hand, is the sign of family and home life. Cancers find secutiry from the love and closeness of partners, friends and family members.

However, capricorns have a great need to be loved and appreciated, but unfortunately, they won’t let this need be known. They are masters at concealing it. They wear masks, and under one mask there’s another one, meaning it can take a long time to discover the real soul of a capricorn. To others they may appear aloof, indifferent and hard to reach because they are so self-contained. Their aloofness though, stems from a deep sense of personal privacy. However, underneath the strong exterior, there is a sensitive and sympathetic person, who is always there for others to count on and anyone who cares enough to penetrate their shell of reserve will be greatly rewarded. Their affection and loyalty run deep, and they cherish and protect those they love like no other sign. And they stick around, also during hard times.


Keyword: I know
Element: Air
Duality: Masculine
Quality: Fixed
Ruling Planet: Uranus
Ruling House: Eleventh
Dates: January 20 - February 18

Aquarius is the sign of the future, of the visionary, some say of astrology itself. Independent, unorthodox, progressive, original, weird, interesting, imaginative, free, observant and eternally curious. Aquarians are unique. There is no one quite like an aquarius, and because each is so incredibly individual, it can be tough to describe them as a group. Aquarius’ message is that you can be anything and everything you want to be. They like being different, and they not only march to a different drummer, they make up new music as they go along. Aquarius is here to set the trend, not follow the trend. As an aquarius, you will never fit in, but that is your greatest gift. It’s like they are not from this planet, they are made to be paving the way forward, through a different path and showing people that there is a different way, breaking down the old and outdated. Aquarius is the archetype of evolution and its natives are futuristic; they live in the future and are ahead of their time. Aquarians are brilliant, but remember that genius and sanity goes hand in hand.

Intellectual independence and being open-minded are their two most marked characteristic. Extremely inquisitive, they ask a lot of questions. And they question everything. Aquarians have a huge appetite for information and they love having their minds stimulated. They have both a scientific and an artistic turn of mind, the thought process fascinates them, and creativity and new ideas is their game. Although aquarians are highly capable of many things, they are best suited for roles that require unconventional thinking. They are designers, creators, researcher and scientists. This air sign has 35 ideas in their head at all times, a great gift for communicating and taking big ideas into small bit sizes and making it understandable for others. Their artistic mind also makes them great musicians, dancers, painters, writers and everything art related. While other people see a painting and enjoy it, aquarians understand it. The astrological symbol of this sign is the water bearer - often aquarius is mistaken for a water sign. Aquarius is an (emotionally detached) air sign. Water represents emotions. Remember that aquarius holds the water within a container, and doesn’t get his hands wet. Water also represents spiritual knowledge and truth. And it is the aquarian function to fill the container with spiritual knowledge and truth (water) and once it is full, share it by tipping it out amongst humanity. Aquarians are truth-tellers. They are seekers of knowledge and already chock full of information, they still search for more. Aquarians are very people-oriented, addicted to the study of human beings and an excellent people-watcher and observer. They are the students for human behavior and genuinely interested in why a person thinks the way they do, and with a inherent belief that everyone has the freedom to be themselves. The life of others fascinates them because they hope it will offer them insights into their own. Like gemini, another air sign, aquarius has a lot of ego invested in their opinions. And when others disagree, they can take this as an attack on themselves.

In the sign of aquarius, the combination of a fixed quality (representing persistence) and an air element (representing intellect and communication) under the influence of the planet of change, uranus, creates a personality that is liberal, progressive, yet fixed in opinion. They ignore what others think and strike off on new paths, unbound by (in their opinion) outdated patterns, facts or ways of thinking. Aquarians believe in the nature of change and evolution, and even though they're a fixed sign, aquarius is a sign of breaking free, and they go through many shocking changes. Aquarius is all about re-inventing themselves and will change an develop many times over their lifetime. An aquarius is not going to be the same person they were when they were born, when they were younger, or even yesterday. Just when you think they’ve got them figured out; they change the game.

Ruled by uranus, the planet of change, rebellious thinking, freedom, revolution, the unconventional and the unexpected, aquarius got a revolutionary vision and an urge for change. Free spirited, aquarius refuses to follow the crowd. They go their own way. You can’t get air to stay inside a box, it will always sneak out. Aquarians develop their own style and rhythm, and you can’t get them to conform. They don’t believe in following rules and whereas capricorn thinks that we have rules to follow them, aquarius thinks that rules are made to be broken. Aquarians are often big-picture thinkers who can see connections in a way that eludes others. Idealistic, they feel they're on the planet to change the world and they will do so, with their strong sense of social justice and inventive, and more than not, radical thoughts.

Outgoing, they attract friends wherever they go, connecting with people and from every walk of life. Unimpressed by status and position due to their strong internal knowing of equality. They believe that we are all related, since we are all human beings. They know the people they may have the most in common with is the person who looks least like themselves. Because independence is their way of life, they will sacrifice even a close personal relationship in order to maintain it, so trying to tie them down won’t work. If they feel trapped, they will try to break free at any cost. However, beneath their detached exterior beats a loyal and loving heart. In the zodiac, aquarius symbolizes friendship, and their friendship are often close and long-lasting. Never mean-hearted, no one is a truer, finer friend than aquarius. Honest, helpful and never boring, they can change anonone’s life for the better, just by becoming a part of it.

Aquarians are socially connected and at their highest level they are really good at relationships, and values being close to another, connecting us by our hearts. They love to flirt and to show how charismatic and charming they are. They don't need to be one-on-one to flirt; they can flirt with an entire group with their brilliance, wicked sense of humor and passion. However, at their lowest level they are fickle, cut off, unemotional, aloof and detached people. They don’t know what they want and change their mind constantly. The unevolved aquarius have a hard time handling anything that has to do with emotions, and they can be avoidant of closeness and intimacy as they don’t know how to navigate these waters. They either don’t care or find it impossible to identify with how others are feeling. A humanitarian, aquarians are concerned with the welfare of the world, but can struggle to get deeply involved in intimate relationships. Sometimes, because they need so much personal freedom, they give the impression of being uncaring or distant. Those around them may also become annoyed at their stubbornness. Just as they are broad-minded about the faults of others, they take for granted that their shortcomings will be overlooked. Hard work doesn’t interest them; they are creatives, imaginative and endlessly willing to experiment, but the details, organizing and management are not their style. Their main interest is in creating the idea, not translating it into action through work, so they let others cope with the hard realities.

An aquarius are quickly bored and take delight in verbally provoking anyone they consider stagnant and dull. One of their best kept secrets is how shy and insecure they are. They want to share themselves, but are afraid of losing who they are or becoming what others people think they should be. Yet somehow their feelings of insecurity manage to coexist with a belief that they are someone special.

The opposite sign of aquarius, is leo. Leo represents the principle of fire, while aquarius represents the principle of air. A key concern of the leo/aquarius axis centers around the expression of creativity in our lives. It's interesting to note that both leo and aquarius are the zodiac signs of original creativity. And of singular personalities- both stand out, as outstanding individuals. That's why it's been called the axis of ego. Both have the power of personality and a strong sense of unique character. However, while leo is the selfie, the aquarius the aware self. Like its ruler, the sun, leo can think the world revolves around them whereas aquarius has the mind for the universal and is known for being the cosmic downloader. Another association is that leo's shine is very personal, while aquarius’ is universal. A lesson for both leo and aquarius is to realizes that their power lies in not only accepting that they are different, but by being willing to share those differences with others instead of hiding them. We can say that leo and aquarius are both vessels for big energies. The proud leo can be inspired by aquarius' ability to break with convention, and not care as much about what others think. Aquarius also shows leo that there are times when you have to disappoint your fans or followers and hold fast to a higher truth.

pisces .jpg

Keyword: I believe
Element: Water
Duality: Feminine
Quality: Mutable
Ruling Planet: Neptune
Ruling House: Twelfth
Dates: February 19 - March 20

Just as aries, the first sign of the zodiac, represents a new beginning, the twelfth and last sign, pisces, represents the end of the circle. It’s the sign of eternity, reincarnation and spiritual rebirth. Pisces is a link to the spirit world. Pisceans are described as being half-body and half-spirit, pulled between material existence and spiritual concerns, possessed of the knowledge that they will never be entirely at home in the real world. Like the two other water signs (cancer and scorpio) pisces have the ability to see deeply into the human psyche. Deeply intuitive, with extrasensory perception and the ability to sense things accurately. They have a close relationship with astral forces, and feel things before they know them, with their feelings rarely being wrong.

Ruled by neptune, the planet of mystery, illusion, dreams and psychic receptivity, pisces are imaginative, creative, emotional and romantic and the kings and queens of illusion, fantasy and dreams. The distinction between fantasy and reality is very difficult for pisces. Neptune rules spirituality, and all things subtle.

Pisces is softest of all the zodiac signs, and the ‘wettest’ of the three water signs (cancer, scorpio, pisces). Their capacity for empathy is so large as they absorb the feelings and priorities of others like a sponge. Just as their water element, they flow with the current, adapting to the ever-shifting circumstances around them. More than any other sign, pisces are enormously influences by their surroundings and by the people that touch their life. Because of this, pisces should be especially concerned which whom they allow into their sphere.

Pisceans tend to carry other people’s problems, joys and sorrows, and they have a tender sympathy for anyone or anything that hurts; sick plants, hungry animals and friends in need. At times they even give away the very strength and emotional security they need for themselves. Their understanding of others is bottomless, yet their extraordinary sensitivity can be their most vulnerable point. Remember; just because you can feel someone else’s emotions doesn’t mean that you’re responsible for them. For pisceans, learning to say no can be a lifetime project and they may never learn how to do it, at all.

Struggling to understand separation or duality, pisces is the sign of oneness and is the boundary-less archetype. Whereas aries, the first sign of the zodiac is the sign of ‘me’, ‘myself’ and ‘I’, pisces is the sign of ‘us’ and of the collective. Their idea of oneness makes it extremely difficult for them to create and withhold boundaries. Their whole existence is built upon the idea of the merging of souls. They don’t have boundaries, they don’t like boundaries, and frankly, they don’t want boundaries either because aren’t we all in this world to melt together and be ‘one’?

The symbol, two fishes tied together, swimming in opposite directions, represents hidden depths, conflicting emotions and extremes of temperament. Pisces feel intense joy and happiness, but also suffer greater depths of sadness than most. Yet they are tougher than most people think. It’s just their tendency to run away and play victim that tends to run the show. If they decide, they are capable of great sacrifice, and hard work. Pisceans need to develop a positive self-image, use their strengths and take responsibility, instead of letting themselves fall victim to bad choices.

Pisces is on an eternal search for themselves and many people never fully understand what they're saying because they lack the mental capacities, or depth, to keep up with a pisces. Pisces is the sign of sorrow, self-undoing and self-destruction, and they can easily become the creators of their own downfall. They lack the ability to be practical and not to mention, realistic, and can easily overindulge and self-sabotage. A fatal flaw in pisces is the tendency to flee from what they don’t want to deal with. They so desperately try to escape their own shadow, not understanding that it is just that, theirs. A life lesson for pisces is to understand that no matter how far they run, they can never outrun their own demons. Partly due to this trait, addiction and escapism are big struggles for pisces. It’s the sign most prone to addictions such as drug and alcohol and indulging lifestyles in general. They also tend to (try) and justify their drug abuse by framing it as something that allows them to get closer with their 'spiritual selves' which is just an unevolved and irresponsible excuse for their destructive behavior. In general, pisces gave a high susceptibility to alcohol and drugs. They are also easily drawn into unpredictable situations and unbalanced people.

Pisces absorb and consume impressions, images and emotions from everything around them, and often times filter them through their own rose-colored glasses of how they would like things to be. This include partners and companions, whom they tend to pick the wrong ones. Often times they see an illusion and a fantasy rather than the truth. Pisces can have a hard time dealing with, and facing reality, and are prone to vanish into their own realm of fantasy and dreams. Water is not a rational element; it does not function on the logical or practical plane. If this doesn’t describe pisces at its core, I don’t know what does.

Their strength though, lies in their ability to look at the inner soul, the essence of a being, and there is no more loyal, perceptive, devoted, caring, sentimental, warmhearted, unselfish and generous than pisces, always ready to help a friend or lover in need. Pisces are always one of the first signs to lend an ear to others, but when it comes to asking for help - especially emotional help - pisces can sometimes wall themselves off, assuming that nobody knows what they are feeling and not even giving anyone a chance to try. Learning how to open up can be a huge lesson. Of course, the fact remains that no one can read a pisces mind. Pisces sometimes feels frustrated that they are seen as "more complicated" than their peers, and feeling this way, can make them act or seem defensive. Pisces needs to learn to let down their guard, allow people to love them, and allow for mistakes to be made.

They wear their heart on their sleeve and seek tender, romantic and a deeply felt love. Everything about the way they flirt promises a lovely time, and they are loving beings longing to show and give their tenderness and affection. They are drawn to the artists and dreamers of the world. Emotions and feelings turn them on, and they just want to be at home, snuggling, with a feeling of being connected and at one.

However, the unevolved pisces can be manipulators, who fail to hold themselves accountable for their toxic behavior. They'd rather disappear than to own up to or make it right with someone. They also tend to be self-absorbed and self-centered people, in desperate need for external validation. Because of the lack of boundaries in the piscean archetype, they are prone to co-dependence and their relationships may be ruled by this trait.

Creative geniuses, pisces are artists of a different level. This sign has an active internal life, and is often happy living in the realm of imagination. Pisces needs, and wants, stillness and values solitude highly, as their system gets overly reactive to too much people or impulses. They can’t always talk easily, and are not the most social at first, but they provide a great atmosphere. Pisces may seem quiet but they are incredibly strong and have a very strong sense of right and wrong. Their moral compass, along with their gut, guides them well. When a pisces speaks up, people listen. Due to their ability to sense things accurately, they may become involved in the occult and spiritualism. A pisces has a great intuition, which can guide them well, and help them make creative or intellectual leaps other people might not be able to see or even consider. Intellectual and curious with a pull to explore the unusual and hidden, these souls aren’t necessarily suited for the fast-paced life of business and commerce. Pisceas is the mystical sign of the poet and the dreamer, and they are more successful as writers, musicians, actors or artists. With their keen sense and bodily awareness, they know how to move, and in general use their body, and also makes great dancers and athletes. They are also great with people, and the gentle and caring spirit of a pisces fits perfect as working with kids, youth and the elderly. They may feel that they lack self-confidence to be a leader, but they are a guide, teacher and a role model to many. Whereas pisces tend to lose themselves in the imaginary worlds, illusions and unrealistic fantasies, virgo, pisce’s opposite sign, deal with life through facts and reality. They are practical and value work and structure. Virgo and pisces can learn a lot from each other.

The realization that life is so much more than what we see, is a pisces theme, as they are in tune with the magic of everyday existence and can find beauty in all situations, even ones that may cause tears. Recognizing these moments of beauty and being able to share them with others is what makes pisces a creative sign, and is also what makes pisces a soulful sign. They truly believe we are all connected, and inspire people with their limitless understanding and compassion.