I never use any conventional beauty products on my body. I’d actually rather not use creams, than use a conventional one. I wish that people knew how much harm the toxins in their products are causing, so that they could take informed decisions, and avoid these types of stressors which chemicals and other toxins are, to our bodies. Using creams, soaps, deodorants and nail polish loaded with chemicals and harmful substances and toothpaste with fluoride, are absolutely harmful to our body, and something we should avoid as much as possible.

We don’t really think of our skin as an organ, but it is. Question: If you were rubbing and slathering the products that you are using on your skin, on another organ, lets say your heart, or your you liver - would you still be doing that? I bet that there’s things that you are putting on your skin that you would never slather on your internal organs. What I am saying is that all those products that you put on your skin are being absorbed into your body and bloodstream, which means that they are coming into contact with your liver and other organs. Every single product we put on our body whether it’s make up, lotion, soaps or self tanners, gets absorbed within 20 minutes. Then, your body (liver) has to use a lot of energy to try to get those toxins and chemicals out of your system again, because they are TOXIC and DANGEROUS to your body.

The more chemicals you put on your skin, the more the liver has to work, but a lot of times, toxins gets left behind because the liver just can’t cope with all of it. When the body is exposed to more toxins than it can handle, it stores these toxins in body fat. More than a way of storing energy, body fat is also a place to store toxins. Our fat cells will expand ten times their size to absorb toxic material, because that’s the safest place for your body to store something that’s damaging to it. It’s like a safe place - but that makes you extra fat and inflamed, which we don’t want. 

The more time your liver has to spend on detoxifying chemicals, the less time it has to deal with all its other important tasks, like breaking down excess hormones needed for hormonal balance, and for keeping you healthy. Your liver is working overtime and in a perfect world, without toxins, your liver would still be busy all the time. The liver got all its normal duties, and now, by living the lifestyles we do, it’s getting all these extra things added on from the outside world. A sluggish liver can by itself create an hormonal imbalance, because of this, but it's also important, when talking about the connection between toxins in beauty products and hormonal imbalances, to address what’s called endocrine disruptors. Because not only does these toxins create a strain on the liver, they also influence how the glands in our body make and respond to hormones.

Endocrine disruptors are a category of chemicals that disrupt the hormonal system. Xenoestrogens are a sub-category of the endocrine disruptor group that specifically have estrogen-like effects as it acts as an estrogen in the body by mimicing our natural hormones; blocking or binding hormone receptors, resulting in hormonal imbalances like estrogen dominance. Examples of items that include xenoestrogens are food sprayed with pesticides, plastic water bottles and tupperware, nail polish, hormonal birth control and of course conventional beauty products and make up.

Can you see why you contribute to your own hormonal imbalance by using all this nasty stuff on your body? We use stuff to smell, feel and look good, only to be making ourselves sick. Your liver is your cornerstone of your health in general, but also of your hormonal health, because if your liver is not detoxifying on a regular basis, you are going to have hormonal imbalances.

The solution? Clean up your beauty products and stop exposing yourself to so many chemicals daily. Just because you can’t see immediate harm doesn’t mean they aren’t causing harm. This can happen in a month, a year, or in 5 years.