Pretty little balls of energy filled with nutritional bliss. Easy to make, and still awesome without the more fancy adaptogenic ingredients if you don't have the time, money or interest. Although I think they add just a little extra magic.

Both maca and ashwagandha which are used in this recipe, are classified as "adaptogens" because of their unique ability to “adapt” their function according to your body’s specific needs. Adaptogens are especially used for managing stress and fatigue as they help stabilize our hormones and work to strengthen our adrenal glands, which are under a lot of pressure living in this fast paced society. Being exposed to constant stress are really the root cause of many of our chronic diseases and can lead to weight gain, inflammation and hormonal imbalances among many other illnesses. Adaptogens have been used for thousands of years in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, and are now becoming more mainstream as a natural way to help restoring balance. 

I've written more about adaptogens here. 


    Ashwagandha is an important herb in Ayurvedic medicine and serves many purposes and benefits including strengthening the immune system, our neurological health and our endocrine and reproductive systems. That's why it's valued for its ability to lower cortisol levels, balance thyroid hormones, relieve adrenal fatigue, balance blood sugar levels, improve memory and work as an anti-anxiety and antidepressant. 


    Maca is a vegetable believed to help increase energy, promote vitality and balance hormone levels, especially the amount of estrogen in the body. Maca also provides a powerful amount of vitamins and minerals and acts as a natural antioxidant as well as promoting a healthy libido. 


      3 dl shredded coconut (or coconut butter)

      1-2 teaspoons ashwagandha

      1 teaspoon maca

      1 tablespoon hemp seeds

      1/2 teaspoon himalaya salt 

      4 tablespoons raw cacao powder 

      1/2 teaspoon vanilla 

      600 grams of rotab or medjool dates (at least soft ones)


      1. Add shredded coconut to a food processor and blend for 5-10 minutes or until you've got creamy coconut butter. 

      2. Add in the rest of the dry ingredients and blend. 

      3. Add the dates, and pulse until the mixture comes together in a sticky swirling ball. Make sure to process it good so there is no visible "signs" of dates left. More cacao or salt to taste. 

      4. Form into balls and leave as is, or roll the balls in hemp seeds, cacao powder, matcha or shredded coconut. 

      5. Place and store in the freezer. 

      (You can skip step 1 and 2 and add everything together at once in step 3, but making the shredded coconut into butter before blending in the rest will make the balls extra fudgy)