Ginger infused carrot juice

Carrot juice with ginger. Delicious, nourishing and healthy. 

Carrots get their pretty color from antioxidants called carotenoids. One of these carotenoids is beta carotene, a precursor to active vitamin A, which has been specifically linked to lower the risk of prostate cancer. Studies have also shown that beta carotene is crucial for improving immunity in the body, protecting skin and eye health, and fighting free radical damage that can cause various forms of chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease. Besides this, carrots are said to increase your metabolism and improve cognitive function as well as providing a range of different vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, E and K, magnesium, potassium and calcium. Carrots are also highly nutritious and cleansing due to their high fiber content. 

Read more about the benefits of ginger in one of my previous posts here. 


6 organic carrots

1 slice of organic ginger

1-2 oranges (optional)


1. Wash.

2. Chop. I don't peel as long as it's organic. 

3. Press through a juicer. 
