Kidney Bean Pâté

A paste or pâté made of kidney beans is a favorite in our home. We use it to top a slice of fresh sourdough bread or crisp bread and it has so much flavour, takes 5 minutes to make and is filled with nutrients.

The taste depends on which herbs and spices you add in, so switch it up and vary as much as you want. I like to always add fresh herbs like basil, cilantro or parsley and mix it up with garlic, cumin, oregano, paprika and other spices. Sun-dried tomatoes also does wonders. 



2 boxes organic red kidney beans

The juice of half a lemon

A handful with fresh herbs

1 tbsp organic extra virgin olive oil

1/2 tsp himalaya or herb salt

1/4 tsp black pepper

1-3 tsp with spices, like ground cumin, paprika powder or oregano


1. Drain and rinse kidney beans.

2. Place all ingredients together in a food processor and blend until smooth.

3. Store in a jar in the fridge for up to a week.  
