
Do you use fresh herbs in your food? Herbs is easily accessible in every supermarked, especially the most common ones. Let me inspire you to grab a fresh green herb next time you get your groceries!

People have been using herbs for thousands of years for their culinary and medicinal benefits. It can lift whatever you're making, both in taste and nutrients. I try to eat or drink herbs every day and have made it into a tasteful and healthy habit. 


Basil has anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties and has been used for digestive disorders. Though commonly used in Italian cooking, basil is a versatile herb that can be added to practically anything. Basil can be sprinkled on baked or grilled veggies, in soups, to make pesto, pasta and pizza sauce or sliced fresh into salads. 


Cilantro is a versatile herb that contains many healing properties, including phytonutrients and flavonoids. Cilantro benefits include its ability to promote the detoxification of heavy metals, improve sleep, support your digestion, promote skin health and fight free radical damage. Cilantro is one of my favorite herbs, and I sprinkle it on absolutely everything. What is tacos, salsa, curries and other asian and mexican foods without this amazing herb.


Mint is one of the most popular medicinal herbs. Eating mint, drinking mint tea or using mint extracts can help to aid digestion, relieve headache pain, ease nausea and relieve respiratory conditions like chronic cough or asthma. Mint is a great in deserts and exceptional in smoothies. 


Parsley comes in different types and shapes and can help with inflammation, digestive issues, skin problems, poor immunity, bladder infection and oxidative stress. Parsley is an excellent source of vitamins K, C and A, and it contains protective flavonoid antioxidants. Chopped parley is great on cooked, baked or steamed vegetables, on mashed sweet potato and avocado toast. 


An ultra-fragrant herb, rosemary is rich in antioxidants that prevent cell damage. Even sniffing it may be good for you. One study found that people who got a whiff of rosemary performed better on memory tests and other mental tasks, compared with those who didn’t. It has a high concentration of the antioxidant carnosol and research shows it may aid in a healthy digestion. I've written a post about rosemary here

Lemon Balm

Lemon balm is a plant in the mint family that possesses antibacterial, anti-stress, anti-anxiety, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It can be used to aid digestion, ease PMS symptoms, improve your sleep and boost your mood. Lemon-balm is great in desserts, chopped and sprinkled over fruit salads or made into a relaxing soothing tea made from fresh leaves and simmering hot water. 
