Homemade Body Oil

I love using oils on my skin, and I use them for various things throughout the day. I make my own blends for face, body and hair which is done by blending carrier oils with essential oils. Carrier oils are derived from the fatty portion of plants, nuts, and seeds, while essential oils are distilled from the petals, leaves, bark, stems, and roots of plants.

Homemade oils is super easy to make, it's natural, chemical free, much cheaper than other store-bought products and you know exactly what you are putting on your skin. 

You can make a simple body oil with one essential oil and one carrier oil. Use an organic, cold pressed olive, coconut, argan, jojoba or almond oil. You'll find organic olive oil in almost every supermarked, while the other oils are bought at health stores or online. Add 10-15 drops of essential oil, like lavendel which is a calming and relaxing oil, peppermint which improves focus, boosts energy and is great for headache and muscle pain relief or a cleansing and purifying citrus oil like lemon or wild orange. Oils like argan and almond are easier absorbed, compared to olive and coconut so experiment with what works best on your skin. 

Blend together in a bottle and use as a moisturizer or a massage oil. I also always have a bottle of olive oil mixed with lavendel in the shower which I apply to damp skin after a warm shower, before patting dry with a towel. 
